This is an analog quartz - my favorite and most comfortable movement 7T62 alarm / chronograph mechanism. To use both, there is no need to go - ready to use at any time. I've developed for about a month and there are few signs of wear, usually on a block. They also have sapphire crystal, to the best of my knowledge scratchproof crystal for watches and very clear. I had the same movement in different watches - watches really nice (I'll put some video review below) and has scratched the glassseveral years of use, now I think I will not have the same problem with this - after all, this is the same material (alumina) as an abrasive in sandpaper, etc. Use are very accurate, and for about a month since I see it make no difference with the digital atomic clock. You have to read very well on my wrist and easily. A shot that I found quite handy alarm, which I rarely use, only to wake in the middle of the night to go to the airport or something and do not want to wake up nextNight. But I morst day use to play in 5 or 10 minutes from the present time for various reasons (came in 10 minutes ... call you in 5 minutes, etc.). Only "problem" - I feel like a F1 racing driver and I need to look no way - not for speed, PS After several months of observation, I must say - these watches are absolutely accurate so far! I sat down first with atomic clocks, and after about four months, I see no difference! Not even second. !8!# Cheap Airdyne Bikes
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